Our passion for wines began, many years ago, when we helped my father, in the tasks of viticulture, in watering, pruning to maintain a healthy grape. Afterwards, we started the tread in the press, with the help of the youngest ones, including my children, and also from the elders, to produce a wine aged in barrels, all this on the family estate of Barranco de Badajoz.
Over time, and in part of it, we expanded what are now our vineyards with the acquisition of neighboring farms, and developing the construction of our winery called Bodega Tempus SAT, thinking about our ancestors -ancient aborigines of the Barranco de Badajoz-, who carried out a rigorous determination of the calendar based on the study of the movement of the stars in the sky, from which they determined both the solar and lunar calendar, which begins with the full moon in August and is made up of twelve moons consecutive fullings counted from August, coinciding with what they considered the best growing season.
Taking into account the historical references, our ancestors, traditions, and the location of the winery in the Barranco de Badajoz, we are working to, over time, combine all these components in our wines, and be able to share our passion for wines.